Q. I get an error stating that a washer cannot be made for the device or feature I selected
A. A washer can be created for most standard male threads, as well as some other male features,
however a washer would not be useful for male threads having non-standard reference points as
in such cases a washer would not have any solid surface to lie against. This holds true
for threads at the back of SCT or ACF/EdgeHD telescopes. In this case the matching FEMALE thread
should be selected on the other side. For axample, for a SCT/EdgeHD, a SCT or EdgeHD accessory can
be selected on the Camera Side if one wishes to design an appropriately sized washer to drop INSIDE
that female thread and provides the desired spacing.
Noting that it is critical to make the washer short enough so it does not overrun the thread,
otherwise the washer may prevent the thread from engaging. Check
this answer for instructions about designing a washer.
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